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SQL Database Converter

Excel sql database converter for converting and integrating

Excel SQL Database Converter

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SQL Database Converter for Excel converts Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into Microsoft SQL or MySQL database formats. The programs support all versions of MS Excel and can convert CSV files into database tables or convert MS SQL or MySQL database tables into MS Excel spreadsheets.

Excel-to-MSSQL is a program to convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into Microsoft SQL databases. Key Features include:
  • All versions of MS Excel are supported
  • Command line support
  • Converts individual worksheets
  • Merges MS Excel data into an existing MS SQL database
  • Converts Comma Separated Values (CSV) files into MS SQL or MySQL tables
  • Easy-to-use wizard-style interface
  • Full install/uninstall support

Excel-to-MySQL is a program to convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into MySQL databases. Depending on your privileges on the target MySQL server you can export MS Excel data into new database or overwrite the contents of an existing MySQL database. Key Features include:
  • All versions of MS Excel are supported
  • Works with all versions of Unix and Windows MySQL servers
  • Converts individual worksheets
  • Merges MS Excel data into an existing MySQL database
  • Converts Comma Separated Values (CSV) files into MySQL tables
  • Command line support
  • Virtual Server user's option
  • Exports data source into a dump file
  • Easy-to-use wizard-style interface
  • Full install/uninstall support

MSSQL-to-Excel is a program to publish Microsoft SQL databases as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Each MS SQL table becomes a worksheet, each record becomes a row. Key Features include:
  • All MS SQL data types are supported
  • Fast conversion engine (20MB MS SQL database - in 5 minutes on average P-III system)
  • Command line support
  • Converts individual tables
  • Converts tables containing more than 65535 records
  • Output spreadsheet is compatible with MS Excel 5.0 and higher
  • Easy-to-use wizard-style interface
  • Full install/uninstall support

MySQL-to-Excel is a program to publish MySQL database as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Each MySQL table becomes a worksheet, each record becomes a row. Key Features include:
  • All MySQL data types are supported
  • Fast conversion engine (10MB MySQL database - in 1 minute on average P-III system)
  • Works with all versions of Unix and Windows MySQL servers
  • Converts individual tables
  • Converts tables containing more than 65535 records
  • Command line support
  • Output spreadsheet is compatible with MS Excel 5.0 and higher
  • Easy-to-use wizard-style interface
  • Full install/uninstall support

  • Windows 2000/XP or higher with Internet Explorer 5 or later.
  • At least 32 MB of available memory.
  • For conversion from databases: MS SQL environment (server or client components of MS SQL should be installed on the same machine where you run MS SQL-to-Excel from) or necessary privileges to read the source database on MySQL server.

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(Updated on 2024-02-01)

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