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Import Multiple Files to Access

Excel import multiple files to access for converting and integrating

Excel Import Multiple Files to Access

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Import Multiple Files to Access for Excel (Excel Import Assistant) allows the import of Excel files from multiple sources and locations into an Access database. The solution is an Access add-in that allows to import multiple files to Access with specification of mapping and transformation rules in a single process.

Import Multiple Files to Access for Excel can be utilized in situations such as the creation of a new Access database or migration of Excel based systems to an Access system. The solution can also be employed for loading data to other database systems such as SQL Server or Oracle by linking the Access database through an ODBC connection.

Key features of Import Multiple Files to Access for Excel include:
  • Supports all Excel file formats including XLSX.
  • Imports multiple Excel files and worksheets in one process.
  • Specify worksheet ranges to restrict import.
  • Apply transformation and mapping rules such as find/replace and matching criteria.
  • save import settings and load for repetitive import tasks.

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(Updated on 2024-12-01)

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