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Decision Impact Analysis

Excel decision impact analysis for risk analysis

Excel Decision Impact Analysis

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The Decision Impact Analysis model for Excel calculates the value a decision and determines the impact of the outcome on a business.

Decision Impact Analysis for Excel calculates the range of possible outcomes for a decision, their likelihood of occurring, the average outcome, and the probability of the outcome being positive (profitable). It applies three decision return estimates (Pessimistic, Middle, and Optimistic) and associated decision costs.

Outputs cover a 12 month period and are presented in tabular and graphical form. Outputs include a decision Output Curve, Cash Flow Scenarios, a Risk Profile, and an Action Sheet.

With the Decision Impact Analysis model outcomes can be quantified to identify the best decisions for implementation. It allows the measurement and monitoring decision outcomes. The model is a standalone decision support tool and can be applied to business planning, budgeting, goal setting, investment analysis, and operational improvement. Decision Impact Analysis for Excel is compact and easy to use.

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(Updated on 2024-02-01)

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