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Energy Conversion

Excel energy conversion for manufacturing and engineering

Excel Energy Conversion

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Energy Conversion for Excel can quickly, easily and reliably calculate thermodynamic and transport properties of a few gaseous, liquid and solid species, analyze power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow.

Energy Conversion for Excel supports Thermodynamic and Transport Properties:
  • Temperature and Pressure (270 K < T < 5,000 K)
  • C(S), H2(G), S(S), N2(G), O2(G), H2O(L), CH4(G), C2H2(G), C2H4(G), C2H6(G), CO(G), CO2(G), H2O9G0, SO2(G) and AIR

Energy Conversion for Excel Power Cycles:
  • Carnot
  • Brayton (Power and Propulsion)
  • Otto
  • Diesel
  • Magnetohydrodynamics

Energy Conversion for Excel Power Cycle Components/Processes:
  • Compression
  • Combustion (Coal/Oil/Gas)
  • Expansion

Energy Conversion for Excel Compressible Flow:
  • Velocity of Sound
  • Mach Number
  • Properties (Stagnation and Static)
  • Nozzle
  • Normal Shock
  • Diffuser
  • Thrust

This Excel energy conversion solution is ideal for those who are involved at various levels with design, operation and management of energy conversion systems (power and propulsion systems). It provides the opportunity to more quickly, easily and effectively accomplish energy related work, explore more options, save time and give more confidence in carrying out calculations.

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(Updated on 2024-01-01)

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