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VBA Code Protection

Excel vba code protection for programming components

Excel VBA Code Protection

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VBA Code Protection for Excel enhances the protection of VBA projects with Excel preventing unauthorized access and copying of sensitive VBA code.

The VBA project password security system is a very weak protection scheme. It can be broken instantly by many password recovery programs. VBA Code Protection for Excel can help to protect intellectual property and make unauthorized copying of Excel VBA code more difficult.

VBA Code Protection for Excel disables all known commercial VBA password recovery tools, the VBA Backdoor hack and amateurs from accessing protected VBA code using a hex editor.

VBA Code Protection for Excel cannot make VBA projects 100% secure, but it is the best that can be done without leaving the VBA environment.

VBA Code Protection works for Excel, Word, Publisher, Outlook, FrontPage, Project (MPP and MPT files), PowerPoint Add-Ins and Wizards for MS Office version 2000 and above.

Projects protected with VBA Code Protection for Excel will execute in the same way as if protected with the standard password technique.

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(Updated on 2024-10-01)

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