The Gradebook Template for Excel is a simple but versatile Excel based program for managing student grades.
The Gradebook Template for Excel is designed for teachers and administrators at universities, colleges, and high schools. The sophisticated spreadsheet application makes all grade calculations automatically without requiring formulas to be entered.
Setting up the Gradebook Template for Excel is made simple by entering assignment scores either as letter grades or as points as the gradebook will instantly adjusts. Further parameters can be changed such as grading scales and category weightings.
Key features of the Gradebook Template for Excel include:
Compatible with Open Office Calc.
Email grades to a single student.
Send batch emails with grades to every student.
Batch print grade reports for every student.
Sort records by name, ID or final grade.
Export assignment grades for easy uploading to online systems such as Blackboard, WebCT, or Moodle.
Capacity for up to 60 students per template.
Keep grades for all your assignments in a single group or set up multiple categories with varying weights.
Calculate the overall grade within a category either by averaging the percent grades for the assignments or by taking the sum of all the points earned and dividing by the total points possible.
Drop up to 5 of the lowest scores in any category or mark assignments for individual students not to be counted in the final calculations.
Simply copy and paste student names directly into the spreadsheet from digital formats.
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