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Customer Survey Template

Excel customer survey template for sales and marketing

Excel Customer Survey Template

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The Customer Survey template for Excel (Customer Survey Dashboard) provides a complete solution for creating customer satisfaction surveys and analyzing results. Survey questions can be defined in a simple table format which then creates a professional questionnaire which can be sent out to customers. Survey results then feed into a dashboard report for analyzing customer satisfaction and management presentation.

Key features of the Excel customer survey template include:
  • Survey question can be quickly and easily set up without the requirement to create form controls.
  • Customer survey response results automatically update a detailed report for customer satisfaction analysis and publishing for decision making.
  • The survey analysis report is professionally design with charting for high quality printing and distribution.
  • The survey template and dashboard report can be customized to match company styles and branding.
  • Alternative customer survey template versions included support all versions of Excel.

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(Updated on 2024-12-01)

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