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Inserting Images

Excel inserting images for presentation and reporting

Excel Inserting Images

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Excel Inserting Images is an Excel add-in with a menu that assists with inserting multiple images into Excel cells and cell comments through automation based on specified rules. The add-in for inserting images also acts as an image viewer for displaying larger versions of the images inserted.

Key features of Inserting Images for Excel include:
  • Insert pictures into either cells or cell comments with the same base importing commands.
  • Insert the images file paths into cells as either an alternative or addition to the inserted images.
  • Bulk inserting of images can be automated by utilizing the file paths specified in cell values with options of using combinations of file name, extension and full path information.
  • Choose to insert all images from a specified directory folder.
  • Images are automatically resized based on row height with aspect ratios maintained.
  • Product catalogs and image rich presentations can be emailed and shred with images embedded into the Excel file.
  • Excel Inserting Images is designed to integrate easily with backend product databases and ERP systems by utilizing product information to generate file paths and subsequently embed images with the information.
  • The Excel solution is compatible with all versions of Excel from 2000 to 2013.

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(Updated on 2024-11-01)

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