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Supply Chain and Inventory

Excel Supply Chain and Inventory templates, add-ins and spreadsheet business solutions

Excel templates, add-ins and spreadsheet solutions for supply chain management and inventory control. These Excel solutions are designed for management of supply chain and inventory flows within the business operating environment and can be used to assist in the scheduling and monitoring of production resources for the reduction of ongoing operating costs. Excel templates and solutions focus on optimal strategies for procurement processes and inventory management for realizing supply chain efficiency.

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General Construction Cost Estimating System. Built-in customizable cost data covering all 16 CSI divisions (MasterFormat). An essential Excel based cost estimating tool for general contractors.
Views: 17,677Rating:
3.7 from 3 votes
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Inventory Tracking for Microsoft Excel allows inventory management professionals to track inventory and be automatically alerted when reordering is necessary.
Views: 52,017Rating:
2.4 from 11 votes
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Supply Chain Balanced Scorecard for Excel is designed to help in measuring and controlling company delivery service and associated aspects.
Views: 25,765Rating:
2.7 from 8 votes
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Bar Code Generator is an Excel Add-in that draws formula based bar codes into Excel worksheets as independent Excel shape images. Bar codes can be generated automatically for Excel based inventory management systems.
Views: 23,930Rating:
3.3 from 3 votes
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Determine the profit by product and supplier for a business. Product and Supplier Profitability for Excel allows the identification of the true costs associated with supply chain driven products.
Views: 15,503Rating:
3.2 from 8 votes
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The Excel Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) template automatically analyzes and reports inventory levels and costs in order to optimize economic order quantities and minimize inventory costs.
Views: 13,128Rating:
4 from 2 votes
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Excel Serial Number to Barcode is a component with an Excel add-in that converts serial numbers within cells to a variety of industry standard barcodes with and range of formatting and customization options.
Views: 12,654Rating:
4 from 4 votes
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Material Cut Length Optimization for Excel is an Excel add-in for calculating the optimal cutting strategy for raw materials that results in the least waste.
Views: 11,451Rating:
3 from 1 vote
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Mileage Calculation for Excel creates reports for business travel or transport mileage including tax deductions and reimbursement schedules.
Views: 9,089Rating:
4.2 from 5 votes
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MapPoint Distances for Excel calculates the distances between many locations in MapPoint and outputs results with additional options to Excel quickly and efficiently.
Views: 8,585Rating:
3 from 4 votes
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