ASP Objects for Excel is an inexpensive, powerful and configurable set of components to generate Excel files from ASP VB Script web applications.
The ASP Objects for Excel component comprises of 3 simple objects which are : XLSApplication, XLSWorksheet and XLSCell.
ASP Objects XLSApplication Object Properties:
- Password - set and get the value of password in order to protect the generated spreadsheets.
- setDefaultFont( name As String, Size As Long) - specify the font you want to use in the workbook.
- addSheet([SheetName] As String, [isVisible] As Boolean ) - create a new spreadsheet and get a reference to an XLSWorkSheet object. The two optional arguments let you specify the name of the spreadsheet instead of the default one and if it will be hidden or not.
- getSheet (SheetRef as Variant) - get a reference to a spreadsheet already created by giving it an index in the WorkSheet collection of the workbook or the name of the spreadsheet.
- setActiveSheet (SheetRef as Variant) - specify the active spreadsheet when the workbook will open. The argument should be an index in the WorkSheet collection of the workbook or the name of the spreadsheet.
- save(strPath as String) - save a workbook on disk to the location indicated by strPath argument.
ASP Objects XLSWorkSheet Object Properties:
- scaleFactor - indicate the display zoom factor (in %) for the spreadsheets.
- addCell( iCol As Integer, iRow As Integer, [cellValue] as String) - create a new cell and return a reference to the XSLCell object created.
- getCell(iCol As Integer, iRow As Integer) - get a reference to a XSLCell object already created.
ASP Objects XLSCell object Properties:
- value - set the value inside a cell object.
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