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Curve Fitting

Excel curve fitting for manufacturing and engineering

Excel Curve Fitting

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Curve Fitting for Excel is and Excel add-in providing the ability to analyze trends within data and perform curve fitting, interpolation between data points and smoothing functions. The curve fitting add-in is useful for technical analysis of data and as a basis for predictive analysis of business and technical data such as scientific, manufacturing and engineering process analysis.

Key features of Curve Fitting for Excel include:
  • Curve fitting functions include polynomial fits and a versatile local regression (Loess) function by employing a weighted averaging of Y values.
  • Interpolation functions include linear, cubic spline, and a flexible spline that allows to specify the slope at each data point. 
  • Data smoothing functions include moving average, median filter, and a Gaussian smoothing filter.

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(Updated on 2024-09-01)

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